7 Months Baby Food Chart: Nourish with Indian Recipes (2024)

When it comes to cooking for your little one, opting for a small stainless steel pressure cooker, ideally around 1 to 1.5 liters in size, is highly recommended over aluminum alternatives. This choice ensures the safety and quality of your baby’s food preparations. With a stainless steel pressure cooker, you can effortlessly prepare nutritious dishes like khichdi, steam vegetables and fruits, and even sterilize baby spoons and other small utensils, maintaining utmost hygiene.

In conjunction with our comprehensive 7 Months Baby Food Chart, incorporating a stainless steel pressure cooker into your kitchen arsenal will make meal preparation a breeze. This versatile tool allows you to cook a variety of baby-friendly meals while retaining the essential nutrients and flavors. Whether you’re steaming vegetables to perfection or preparing a wholesome khichdi, the stainless steel pressure cooker ensures optimal cooking conditions for your little one’s meals.

Investing in a small stainless steel pressure cooker demonstrates your commitment to providing the best for your baby’s nutrition and health. Its durable construction, non-reactive nature, and easy maintenance make it an ideal choice for your baby’s mealtime needs. Make the most of our 7 Months Baby Food Chart recommendations and elevate your baby’s culinary journey with the convenience and reliability of a small stainless steel pressure cooker.

2. Food Processor

Make meal preparation for your little one a breeze with a baby food processor, a comprehensive tool that includes essential utensils like a sieve, masher, cups, spoons, juicer, grater, and more. This all-in-one solution is designed to simplify the process of making nutritious homemade baby food.

To ensure the utmost safety and hygiene, it’s important to properly sterilize all the utensils before using them. By maintaining a clean and sanitized environment, you can safeguard your baby’s health and well-being.

With the help of a baby food processor, you can easily puree fruits and vegetables, create smooth textures, and introduce a variety of flavors to your baby’s diet. Whether you’re preparing a delicious pureed meal or creating a wholesome fruit juice, this versatile tool streamlines the process, saving you time and effort in the kitchen.

Investing in a baby food processor allows you to take full advantage of our 7 Months Baby Food Chart recommendations. With its convenient features and functionality, you’ll have everything you need to prepare nourishing meals for your little one. Embrace the benefits of a baby food processor, ensuring that your baby receives the best possible nutrition while enjoying a wide range of flavors and textures.

Remember, the well-being of your baby starts with proper sterilization of utensils. Prioritize hygiene and make mealtime a delightful and healthy experience with the help of a reliable baby food processor.

3. Sterilizer

Ensuring the utmost safety and hygiene when preparing and feeding baby food is of paramount importance. To achieve this, it is crucial to sterilize the utensils used in the process. There are two effective methods for sterilization: using a sterilizer or boiling the utensils in hot water.

A sterilizer is a convenient and efficient option for thoroughly sterilizing baby utensils. It provides a hassle-free way to eliminate harmful bacteria and germs, giving you peace of mind when it comes to your baby’s health. Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions to sterilize the utensils effectively.

Alternatively, you can choose to boil the utensils in hot water. Boiling is a reliable method that effectively kills bacteria and ensures proper hygiene. Place the utensils in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes, ensuring that all parts are fully submerged. After boiling, let them cool down before using them for preparing or feeding baby food.

By incorporating proper sterilization practices into your routine, you create a safe and clean environment for your baby’s meals. Prioritize your little one’s well-being by taking the necessary steps to sterilize utensils, following our 7 Months Baby Food Chart guidelines. With this simple yet crucial precaution, you can provide your baby with the best possible start to a healthy and nourishing culinary journey.

4. Blender or Mixer Grinder

A blender or mixer grinder is an indispensable kitchen tool when it comes to making baby food. It provides the convenience and efficiency you need to prepare nutritious meals for your little one. However, it is essential to use a separate mixie jar exclusively for making baby food, especially in Indian kitchens where all the jars are commonly used for grinding various spices.

By dedicating a specific mixie jar for baby food, you can ensure the purity and safety of your baby’s meals. This precaution prevents cross-contamination of flavors and maintains the integrity of the ingredients used. It also helps avoid any potential allergic reactions or discomfort that may arise from the mixing of different spices or flavors.

Having a separate mixie jar for baby food allows you to create smooth purees, grind soft fruits and vegetables, or prepare customized blends according to your baby’s needs. This way, you can confidently provide your little one with wholesome and hygienic meals that are free from any unwanted flavors or spices.

Prioritize your baby’s health and well-being by incorporating a separate mixie jar for making baby food into your kitchen routine. By doing so, you ensure that each meal is prepared with the utmost care and attention to hygiene. Embrace the convenience of a blender or mixer grinder while adhering to the best practices outlined in our 7 Months Baby Food Chart, creating delicious and nutritious meals for your precious little one.

5. Potato Masher

A Potato Masher is a versatile and practical tool for mashing baby food without the need for electricity or large equipment. Its simple yet effective design allows you to create smooth and easily digestible textures for your little one’s meals. However, if you plan to use your regular masher for baby food, it is crucial to sterilize it thoroughly before use. Alternatively, having a separate masher exclusively for your baby’s needs is an excellent option.

By sterilizing your masher before using it for baby food, you ensure a hygienic and safe meal preparation process. This step eliminates any potential contaminants that may be present on the utensil, promoting your baby’s health and well-being. Proper sterilization helps maintain a clean and bacteria-free environment for your baby’s meals, giving you peace of mind as a parent.

Opting for a separate masher dedicated solely to your baby’s needs further enhances the hygiene standards of meal preparation. This ensures that no cross-contamination occurs between different types of food being mashed. With a designated baby food masher, you can confidently create nutritious and delicious meals, knowing that it is exclusively used for your little one.

Choose the best approach that suits your preferences and kitchen setup. Whether sterilizing your regular masher or having a separate one for your baby, prioritize hygiene and safety when mashing baby food. Let the simplicity of a Potato Masher assist you in creating wholesome meals for your little one, as guided by our 7 Months Baby Food Chart.

6. Baby High Chair

Investing in a baby high chair is often seen as an unnecessary expense by some parents. However, it is important to recognize the significant benefits it offers. A high chair not only ensures that your baby maintains the proper posture while eating, with adequate back support, but it also makes feeding more convenient for you and helps contain the inevitable mess that accompanies mealtime. By incorporating a high chair into your baby’s feeding routine, you can create a comfortable and safe environment for them to enjoy their meals.

Furthermore, most baby high chairs are designed to grow with your child, offering extended usability well into their toddler years. This means that you can continue to provide a comfortable and supportive seating arrangement for your little one as they progress through different stages of their feeding journey. With adjustable features and versatile designs, high chairs can adapt to your growing child’s needs, ensuring their safety and comfort.

To help you make an informed decision about choosing the right high chair for your little one, we invite you to explore our comprehensive guide on High Chair vs Booster Seat. This guide, specifically curated for Indian parents, presents a detailed comparison of features, benefits, and popular choices associated with baby feeding chairs. By considering the specific needs and preferences of your family, you can select a high chair that perfectly fits your requirements.

Incorporating insights from our 7 Month Baby Food Chart will further enhance your understanding of your baby’s nutritional needs and mealtime routines. This valuable resource provides guidance on introducing and diversifying solid foods during this crucial stage of your baby’s development. By combining the guidance offered by our 7 Month Baby Food Chart with the information provided in our high chair guide, you can create a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable feeding experience for your little one. Prioritize your baby’s comfort, safety, and proper posture during mealtime by investing in a high chair that meets their needs. Our resources aim to empower you with the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision and provide the best possible feeding environment for your child.

7. Feeding Bowls and Spoons

When it comes to choosing baby feeding bowls and sets, it’s crucial to prioritize your baby’s health and well-being. While there are various options available in the market, it is advisable to steer clear of cheap plastic ones. Instead, opt for safer alternatives such as stainless steel or traditional silver, which are known for their durability and non-toxic properties. Additionally, consider eco-friendly options that align with your commitment to sustainability.

Another essential aspect to consider is the type of baby feeding spoons you use. It is recommended to select spoons with soft-tipped designs that are gentle on your baby’s delicate gums. These spoons provide a comfortable and safe feeding experience, ensuring that your little one enjoys their meals without discomfort.

By prioritizing the use of high-quality, non-toxic materials and soft-tipped spoons, you can enhance your baby’s feeding experience while also promoting their overall health. For more guidance on introducing solid foods and diversifying your baby’s diet, refer to our comprehensive 7 Month Baby Food Chart. This invaluable resource offers insights and recommendations tailored to this critical stage of your baby’s development, ensuring that you provide them with nutritionally balanced meals.

Make informed choices when selecting baby feeding bowls, sets, and spoons to create a safe and enjoyable feeding environment for your little one. By incorporating the recommendations provided in our 7 Month Baby Food Chart, you can introduce a variety of nutritious foods that support your baby’s growth and development.

Basic Rules for Feeding your 7-Month-Old Baby

When it comes to feeding your 7-month-old baby, there are some basic rules to keep in mind. These guidelines will help ensure that your baby receives the appropriate nutrition while transitioning to solid foods.

  1. As your baby enters the 7th month, you can start feeding them three meals a day, consisting of a proper breakfast, lunch, and early dinner. However, it’s important to remember that breast milk remains the primary source of nourishment, so continue to breastfeed on demand. Aim for feeding times around 9 am, 1 pm, and 5 pm to establish a consistent routine.
  2. In terms of quantity, each feed should be roughly the size of your baby’s fist, which translates to approximately 90 to 100 ml of food.
  3. As your baby grows, you can gradually thicken the consistency of the food to prevent it from easily falling off the spoon. This helps your little one develop their swallowing skills.
  4. It is essential to always feed your baby while they are seated and not in a sleeping position. This ensures their safety and promotes proper digestion.
  5. Prioritize the sterilization of all utensils used for cooking and feeding to maintain a hygienic feeding environment for your baby.
  6. Following the 3-Day Rule is crucial before introducing any new food. This rule involves introducing one new food at a time and waiting for three days to observe any possible allergic reactions or sensitivities before introducing another new food.

By following these basic guidelines and referring to our comprehensive 7 Months Baby Food Chart, you can ensure a smooth transition to solid foods for your baby. The chart is thoughtfully structured to gradually introduce heavier diets, taking into account your baby’s developmental needs. It is advisable to follow the recommended order outlined in the chart to support your baby’s nutritional journey effectively.

With these guidelines and the assistance of our 7 Months Baby Food Chart, you can confidently navigate this important stage of your baby’s feeding routine, providing them with the right balance of nutrition and delicious meals.

7 Months Baby Food Chart: Nourish with Indian Recipes (2024)


What food can a 7-month-old Indian baby eat? ›

7-Months Baby Food Chart: Indian Food Chart for Your 7-Months-Old Baby
  • Cereals.
  • Cooked or mashed fruits.
  • Rice Khichdi.
  • Cooked veggies.
  • Lentils.
  • Liquids other than milk.
Feb 9, 2024

What should be the consistency of the food given to a 7-month-old baby? ›

6 to 9 months: smooth, soft and fine texture

When you first start your baby on solids, the food you feed him should be smooth, soft, and fine in texture. As the little one grows older and gets better at chewing, you can gradually feed him food that is thicker and coarser—for example, a thicker puree.

What is appropriate food for 7-month-old baby? ›

Your child can begin eating solid foods at about 6 months old. By the time he or she is 7 or 8 months old, your child can eat a variety of foods from different food groups. These foods include infant cereals, meat or other proteins, fruits, vegetables, grains, yogurts and cheeses, and more.

What is a 7-month-old feeding schedule? ›

Bottle feeding: How much formula for a 7-month-old baby? They should be drinking about six to eight ounces of formula, four to six times per day, but this may vary. Breastfeeding: Seven-month-olds still typically nurse about every three or four hours, but, again, this can vary based on baby's needs.

Which fruit is best for 7 month baby? ›

  • You do not need to puree fruits. You can offer your baby soft mashed fruits, and small pieces of soft fruits as finger foods. See the section Food Choking Hazards for information on how to prepare fruits to reduce the risk of choking.
  • Offer a variety such as: apples. apricots. bananas. pears. grapes. kiwis. mangoes.

Can I give an egg to my 7 month old baby? ›

You can introduce eggs to your baby around the same time you introduce solid foods, which is around 6 months old. In the beginning, however, you'll want to start with very soft or pureed foods (which can include whole grain infant cereals) before you progress to offering more textured foods.

Can I give my 7 month old scrambled eggs? ›

You can give your baby the entire egg (yolk and white), if your pediatrician recommends it. Around 6 months, puree or mash one hard-boiled or scrambled egg and serve it to your baby. For a more liquid consistency, add breast milk or water. Around 8 months, scrambled egg pieces are a fantastic finger food.

How many times a day should a 7 month old eat purees? ›

Feed your baby at 6-8 months

Offer your infant a small amount of soft food 2 to 3 times per day. As she gets better at eating, slowly make the food thicker and lumpier.

How do I know if my 7 month old is getting enough food? ›

Watch for signs your baby is full

Turning their head away. Refusing to open their mouth for another bite after they've swallowed (resist the urge to encourage your baby to have one last spoonful) Leaning back in their chair. Playing with the spoon or food rather than eating.

What are finger foods for a 7 month old? ›

Good finger foods for babies include soft, easy-to-swallow foods like steamed veggies; soft fruits; whole-grain bread, pasta, or cereal; crackers; chicken; cheese; and scrambled eggs.

What are the complementary foods for 7 month old baby? ›

From 6 months, breast milk is no longer enough to support child growth Give your child enriched borbor and introduce one new food at a time (rice, sweet potatoes, fish, eggs, vegetables, a little oil,...) Increase amount of enriched borbor.

What do 7 month old babies drink? ›

6 months onwards
  • Milk. Continue to use breast milk or infant formula as the main drink until 12 months. ...
  • Cool boiled water. Offer your baby cooled boiled water in a cup at mealtimes or at snack times.
  • Fruit juices. Your baby does not need fruit juice or squash. ...
  • Fizzy drinks. Do not give your baby fizzy drinks. ...
  • Tea and coffee.

What is a good daily schedule for a 7 month old? ›

We recommend aiming for 11 - 12 hours at night and 2.5 - 3 hours during the day, split over three naps. However, you may find that your baby's nighttime sleep gets a bit shorter until they completely drop the third nap in the next month or two.

How much should a 7 month old weigh? ›

Baby weight chart by age
Baby ageFemale 50th percentile weightMale 50th percentile weight
5 months15 lb 3 oz (6.9 kg)16 lb 9 oz (7.5 kg)
6 months16 lb 1 oz (7.3 kg)17 lb 8 oz (7.9 kg)
7 months16 lb 14 oz (7.6 kg)18 lb 5 oz (8.3 kg)
8 months17 lb 8 oz (7.9 kg)18 lb 15 oz (8.6 kg)
9 more rows
Apr 6, 2023

Can babies walk at 7 months? ›

On average, children walk between 12 and 18 months . Some may walk a little earlier, while others may walk as early as 7 months. In an older study from 2013 involving 48,151 children, researchers used data from a Norwegian cohort study and a smaller data source.

What Indian snacks can a 7 month old eat without teeth? ›

Tropical fruits: Giving mango, strawberries, papaya, banana, apple, orange (de-seeded), pears and watermelons can be a great idea for babies without teeth. These fruits are soft, easily chewable and digest. Breads: Try giving a toast or freshly baked bread to your baby to eat in the morning for breakfast.


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