Halloween Worksheets (2024)

Table of Contents
Get Free Worksheets In Your Inbox! Pumpkins Worksheet Pumpkins Multiple Choice Pumpkins Short Answer Questions Why Do We Wear Costumes? Worksheet Why Do We Wear Costumes? Multiple Choice Questions Why Do We Wear Costumes? Short Answer Questions Trick or Treat Worksheet Trick or Treat Multiple Choice Questions Trick or Treat Short Answer Questions History of the Jack O' Lantern Worksheet History of the Jack O' Lantern Short Answer Questions History of the Jack O' Lantern Multiple Choice Questions The History of Halloween Worksheet The History - Multiple Choice Questions The History - Short Answer Questions Halloween's Historic Superstitions Worksheet Halloween's Historic Superstitions Multiple Choice Questions Halloween's Historic Superstitions Short Answer Questions Historic Haunts Worksheet Historic Haunts Multiple Choice Questions Historic Haunts Short Answer Questions Halloween around the World Worksheet Halloween around the World Multiple Choice Questions Halloween around the World Short Answer Questions We Do We Get Goosebumps When We're Scared? Worksheet We Do We Get Goosebumps When We're Scared? Multiple Choice Questions We Do We Get Goosebumps When We're Scared? Short Answer Questions How To Be Safe on Halloween Worksheet How To Be Safe on Halloween - Multiple Choice Questions How To Be Safe on Halloween Short Answer Questions Visual Crossword Halloween Maze Missing Letters Mummy Paper Visual Addition Pumpkin Subtraction Worksheet Word Chopper Word Scramble Word Wall KWHL Alphabetic Order Bingo Card #1 Bingo Card #2 Bingo Card #3 Bingo Card #4 Bingo Card #5 Bingo Card #6 Halloween Poem Worksheet Monster Poem Pumpkin Poem What is Halloween? The History of Halloween Enchanting Etymology Ancient Celtic Festival of Samhain Halloween Makes It Way to America References
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Home>Holidays > Halloween Worksheets

These worksheets contain a number of different activities using a dedicated set of vocabulary words related to the Halloween celebration, including word search, fill in the blanks, scrambled words, word wall flash cards, acrostic poems, crossword puzzles, and more. The collection also includes six different packs of Bingo cards as well as decorated writing paper. Last but not least, a KWHL (know, what, how, learn) diagram is included to help students pick a topic to explore in more depth. You will find a ton of reading worksheets here complete with question sheets and even answer keys. Halloween is celebrated on October 31st in the United States. It is one of the very few holidays that if you search for it, a movie will appear for half of the result. Yes, Micheal Meyers haunts Google too!

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Click the buttons to print each worksheet and associated answer key.

Halloween Worksheets (2)

Pumpkins Worksheet

Black cats, pumpkins, bobbing for apples, and wearing costumes are all part of Halloween celebrations. Of course, there are scary things too like ghosts, goblins, witches and skeletons. It's interesting to find out why we as Americans do these things, especially now in the days of advanced technology.

Halloween Worksheets (4)

Pumpkins Multiple Choice

Many Irish people immigrated to the U.S. when crops failed, namely which one?

Halloween Worksheets (7)

Pumpkins Short Answer Questions

Where did the customs we celebrate today originate? Explain the New Years Eve celebration of the Celts. How did the Romans influence the Celtic celebration of New Years Eve?

Halloween Worksheets (10)

Why Do We Wear Costumes? Worksheet

Kids like to dress in a costume for Halloween, especially the latest action adventure hero or princess. In your grandparent's time the favorite costumes were cowboys, pirates and witches. Costumes for kids are a modern tradition that dates back just to the 1950s when trick or treat became popular.

Halloween Worksheets (12)

Why Do We Wear Costumes? Multiple Choice Questions

Wearing Halloween costumes is an American tradition. How long does the Mexican festival called Days of the Dead last?

Halloween Worksheets (15)

Why Do We Wear Costumes? Short Answer Questions

People wear a mask or costume to a masquerade ball. Do some research and describe what a masquerade ball is. Do some research on the Mexican festival called Days of the Dead. Write a short report on the traditions associated with this festival.

Halloween Worksheets (18)

Trick or Treat Worksheet

Every culture has its festivals and holidays and people in that culture have rituals that are associated with these special events. Holidays and rituals are an important part of life and it's interesting to understand where some of these customs come from.

Halloween Worksheets (20)

Trick or Treat Multiple Choice Questions

Only one U.S. holiday is more popular than Halloween. Who goes out to relatives and neighbors for trick or treat?

Halloween Worksheets (23)

Trick or Treat Short Answer Questions

Describe the trick or treat ritual - what happens during trick or treat? Sugar and other basics like meat and gasoline were in short supply during World War II. These things were rationed. Do some research about rationing during the war and explain what rationing meant.

Halloween Worksheets (26)

History of the Jack O' Lantern Worksheet

I think the classic Jack O' Lantern is easy to describe. Do you? Take a minute to draw a picture of a Jack O' Lantern. Now describe it in words. Did you say that Jack O' Lantern is a carved pumpkin?

Halloween Worksheets (28)

History of the Jack O' Lantern Short Answer Questions

What shape are the eyes of a traditional Jack O' Lantern? According to the legend, when he died, Stingy Jack did what?

Halloween Worksheets (31)

History of the Jack O' Lantern Multiple Choice Questions

The Celtic people made carved a beet or turnip and placed a light inside at Halloween. Describe what turnips and beets look like and how they grow.

Halloween Worksheets (34)

The History of Halloween Worksheet

The traditions surrounding the celebration came from Irish immigrants who flocked to America during the Great Potato famine in the late 1800s. It originates from ancient Celtic festival that occurred on November 1, the start of the Celtic New Year.

Halloween Worksheets (36)

The History - Multiple Choice Questions

The traditions surrounding Halloween came to the U.S. through immigrants from where?

Halloween Worksheets (39)

The History - Short Answer Questions

In the United States we use a phrase "dead of winter." Is this phrase related to the festival of the dead that the Celts celebrated on October 31, the night before the first day of winter?

Halloween Worksheets (42)

Halloween's Historic Superstitions Worksheet

Do you know what a superstition is? A superstition is something people believe even though there may not be evidence to support the idea; it may not be reasonable; and it is not a religious belief.

Halloween Worksheets (44)

Halloween's Historic Superstitions Multiple Choice Questions

Many of the Halloween superstitions had to do with young women and who?

Halloween Worksheets (47)

Halloween's Historic Superstitions Short Answer Questions

Have you ever bobbed for apples? If you have, was explain why it was or wasn’t fun. If you haven’t, explain why you would or would not like to try bobbing for apples.

Halloween Worksheets (50)

Historic Haunts Worksheet

Do you believe in ghosts and apparitions? Even if you don’t, there are some famous people who do, claiming to have seen ghostly apparitions for themselves even in the White House. One of the historic ghost tales is about Abraham Lincoln.

Halloween Worksheets (52)

Historic Haunts Multiple Choice Questions

Which president foretold his assassination because of a dream? Which president haunts the Rose Bedroom in the White house?

Halloween Worksheets (55)

Historic Haunts Short Answer Questions

Why do you think that there were many sightings of Lincoln's ghost during Franklin Roosevelt's presidency? If you don’t have an idea why, look up what happened during Franklin Roosevelt's presidency.

Halloween Worksheets (58)

Halloween around the World Worksheet

The Halloween holiday and how we celebrate it today originally came from Irish immigrants who came to America to escape starvation during the Great Potato famine that occurred in Ireland in the late 1800s.

Halloween Worksheets (60)

Halloween around the World Multiple Choice Questions

In the United States what is the holiday more popular than Halloween? The Lantern Festival of what country is similar to Halloween in the United States?

Halloween Worksheets (63)

Halloween around the World Short Answer Questions

4. What kind of costumes do people in Mexico wear during the Days of the Dead festival? How is the Chinese Teng Chieh festival similar to the American celebration of Halloween?

Halloween Worksheets (66)

We Do We Get Goosebumps When We're Scared? Worksheet

It's a strange word, "goosebumps." Today lots of kids recognize the word Goosebumps as the title of a series of 62 short horror novels written for young people. That might be an appropriate name for the series because humans get goosebumps when they're scared.

Halloween Worksheets (68)

We Do We Get Goosebumps When We're Scared? Multiple Choice Questions

When a dog gets its hackles up, the fur stands up on the dog's. Which muscles in the human body control goosebumps?

Halloween Worksheets (71)

We Do We Get Goosebumps When We're Scared? Short Answer Questions

The word goosebumps is like a simile. Goosebumps is a short form of the simile, "When we are scared or cold, human skin looks like the bumps on goose skin." Have a class discussion and think of other words that are a short form of a simile.

Halloween Worksheets (74)

How To Be Safe on Halloween Worksheet

Parents, teachers and other adults are always telling kids to be careful and how to be safe. Sometimes kids just tune out these warnings that adults seem to talk about all the time. But safety warnings are really important because sometimes kids can get badly hurt when all they are doing is having some fun.

Halloween Worksheets (76)

How To Be Safe on Halloween - Multiple Choice Questions

You design a nice Halloween costume. What part of your costume isn't safe?

Halloween Worksheets (79)

How To Be Safe on Halloween Short Answer Questions

Why do you think that parents, teachers and other adults think that safety rules are so important? Describe your ideal Halloween costume. Explain why it is a safe costume to wear for trick or treat.

Halloween Worksheets (82)

Visual Crossword

Ghost, skeleton, party, spider, witch, and monster.

Halloween Worksheets (85)

Halloween Maze

Help the boy find the pumpkin patch.

Halloween Worksheets (87)

Missing Letters

costume, doorbell, goblin, monster, potion, pumpkin, skeleton, vampire, werewolf, zombie

Halloween Worksheets (90)

Mummy Paper

Writing paper that you can really get all wrapped up in.

Halloween Worksheets (92)

Visual Addition

Addition of a whole bunch of hot cauldrons.

Halloween Worksheets (95)

Pumpkin Subtraction Worksheet

Visually and numerically subtract the pumpkins.

Halloween Worksheets (98)

Word Chopper

See if you can make a series of words just by using these twelve words.

Halloween Worksheets (101)

Word Scramble

Unravel all those words right now.

Halloween Worksheets (104)

Word Wall

Let's word all that out.

Halloween Worksheets (106)


Do you know much about Halloween?

Halloween Worksheets (108)

Alphabetic Order

Start with a numbered letter system. That always helps.

Halloween Worksheets (111)

Bingo Card #1

spider treat zombie magic vampire

Halloween Worksheets (113)

Bingo Card #2

sugar haunt pumpkin costume werewolf

Halloween Worksheets (115)

Bingo Card #3

mummy genie Free Space skeleton monster

Halloween Worksheets (117)

Bingo Card #4

trick potion spooky ghost spell

Halloween Worksheets (119)

Bingo Card #5

ghoul goblin witch carve scary

Halloween Worksheets (121)

Bingo Card #6

We finish it off with number six in the series.

Halloween Worksheets (123)

Halloween Poem Worksheet

Candy is hard to fit in here. You can just make it all names of candy.

Halloween Worksheets (125)

Monster Poem

That is a seriously happy monster. Isn't he?

Halloween Worksheets (127)

Pumpkin Poem

The last in our acrostic poem series.

What is Halloween?

We celebrate Halloween every year, but do you know what the holiday is all about? Let' find out!A holiday that is celebrated on the 31st of October every year is known as Halloween. The traditions originated along with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. On the day of Samhain, people come out dressed in costumes to ward off ghosts and would light bonfires. Pope Gregory III in the 18th century designated November 1st as a time to honor all saints. Eventually, traditions of the Samhain were incorporated in All Saints Day. The evening before the day was known as All Hallows Eve. As days passed, it became Halloween.Gradually, Halloween became a day with activities, especially children, where they trick or treat. One of the most important traditions that evolved was carving the jack-o-lanterns, dressing up in costumes, and eating treats. Religiously, people light candles on the graves of the dead.

The History of Halloween

It's creepy and it's spooky, mysterious and goofy... it's altogether ooky… let's discuss Halloween. Halloween is that time of the year when we dress up as fictional characters and creatures and indulge in delicious delicacies. We all have been celebrating it for years, but only a few people are aware of the history of the "trick or treat." However, don't be scared as we delve into the eerie origins of Halloween.

Enchanting Etymology

Before diving into the history of this ancient festival, it's good to brush up on the fundamentals and understand the roots of its name. The term Halloween is derived from the term Hallowe'en. In turn, this wacky phrase serves as a shorthand for "holy evening," and it especially alludes to All Hallows' Eve—celebrated on October 31, the day before All Saints' Day, a special Christian feast.

Allhallowtide, which includes All Souls' Day on November 2, All Saints' Day, and All Hallows' Eve, is a triduum (three-day liturgical holiday) devoted to the deceased from October 31 to November 2. While The Church has formally commemorated Allhallowtide since the 8th century, Halloween's origins may be traced back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain.

Ancient Celtic Festival of Samhain

Halloween customs in the Western world may be traced back thousands of years to the Celtic New Year's celebration of Samhain. The event, whose name translates as "summer's end," was celebrated at the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. According to Celtic belief, a thin barrier existed between realms, allowing the dead to return to their homes at this time of year.

Since the Church Christianized Samhain - as it did with many other pagan festivals - very little is known about the rituals of ancient Samhain. Instead, what is known comes from Irish monks who documented the pre-Christian history of Christian scribes who denigrated pagan practices. But it seems that the celebration circled slaughtering animals and scrapping the bones in "bone fires," which, through time, evolved into what we now know as bonfires.

While this was happening, the "thin time" of year and the potential of extraterrestrials turning up at the party were on everyone's minds as they gathered to feast and drink.

To deceive the spirits, individuals blackened their faces with ashes from bonfires (a technique subsequently known as "guising"), which eventually evolved into the habit of wearing masks. Living people would be aware of the presence of a deceased loved one and might disclose themselves to the spirit while remaining protected from the unwelcome attention of darker forces.

Halloween Makes It Way to America

The tradition of yearly fall celebrations was well demonstrated by the middle of the nineteenth century, although Halloween was not yet observed in every part of the nation. It was severely restricted in colonial New England due to the strict Protestant religious beliefs that triumphed at the time—far more prevalent in Maryland and the southern colonies.

Later, the United States was inundated by new immigrants. These newcomers, particularly the millions of Irish who fled the Irish Potato Famine, contributed to the national popularization of the Halloween event. A whole new and unique form of Halloween started to develop because of the interaction between the beliefs and rituals of various European ethnic groups and American Indians.

Today, Halloween is celebrated all around the world. Folkloric celebrations differ from one area to the next, and most nations have each added their unique spin to old customs. Adults who like spooks and children who enjoy sweets continue to look forward to this annual tradition every year.

Halloween Worksheets (2024)


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