Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (2024)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to make an easy and simple mulled wine recipe in the slow cooker. Whether you're having a big party or a family get together, this wine is perfect for any holiday party. Using the slow cooker means you have time for other part preparations while this cooks.

The holidays mean alcohol. Wait, is that just my family? If your family likes to sip some adult beverages for Thanksgiving or Christmas, try this simple mulled wine recipe in the slow cooker.

My slow cooker is my best friend as a busy working mom. If it weren't for my slow cooker, we probably wouldn't eat most nights. I love them so much, I have three of them.

I like using the slow cooker for the mulled wine because I can make it hours before I need it and not have to worry about it. I don't have to watch it and make sure the alcohol doesn't burn off because it gets too hot.

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (1)

Wine is almost always appreciated at parties, but this takes it up a notch. It's a nice twist on a classic drink, and I'm sure your guests will love it.

What is Mulled Wine?

Mulled wine is a traditional drink in Europe. It's usually a red wine, infused with spices and fruit, and served warm.

Some recipes use a red wine and add vodka, rum, sherry, or brandy. This simple mulled wine recipe slow cooker is great with red wine, but I sometimes add brandy, too.

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (2)

What Wine is Best for Mulled Wine?

The best wine for mulled wine is the kind that you like to drink anyway. You don't need to use an expensive wine because it will take on the flavor of the spices, which will enhance the taste.

I usually use Winking Owl wine from Aldi. You can not beat the price, and the quality is excellent for the price.

Of course, you can use your favorite red wine or any wine that you'd prefer.

How Do You Serve Mulled Wine?

Mulled wine is typically served in a mug. Since it is a hot drink, the handle helps you hold the cup without burning your hand.

Mulled wine can also be served in a glass cup with a handle in what is known as a mulled wine glassSimple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (3).

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (4)

How Long Can You Keep Mulled Wine?

You can store leftover mulled wine in the fridge for three to five days.

Mulling Spices

If you want to make this even simpler, use premade mulling spices. I posted a mulling spices recipe that you can use in place of the spices in this recipe.

Even though they are whole spices and not powdered, I highly recommend using a tea strainerSimple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (5)or cheesecloth Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (6)to make it easier to get them out. I also use a spoon to stir the mulled wine while it's in the slow cooker to move the strainer around.

If you do use mulling spices, use 2 tablespoons for this recipe and omit the spices. Or use the mulling spices and add orange slices for more of a fruity flavor.


You can use sugar, honeySimple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (7), or maple syrup. I think the maple syrup gives it a more complex flavor, so that's what I use.


The brandy is optional. I don't always have it, so I don't usually add it. You can if you want.

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (8)

Does Mulled Wine Have Alcohol?

While it's true that cooking wine will evaporate the alcohol, but this won't get hot enough to burn off the alcohol. It will loose a little bit, but please drink responsibly.

For a nonalcoholic drink, try this easy hot apple cider recipe in the slow cooker or make mulled apple cider. Or try an easy slow cooker hot chocolate recipe.

Mulled Wine Recipe Ingredients


Step #1

Cut the orange into slices. Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker.

Step #2

Cook on low for 1 to 3 hours. The longer it cooks, the more of the flavor of the spices will infuse with the wine.

Step #3

Remove the tea infuser with the spice blend or the spices. Turn the slow cooker down to low for serving.

Serve with orange slices as a garnish if you want.

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (12)

mulled wine, wine, slow cooker



Yield: 8

Author: Cari @ Koti Beth

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (13)

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe in the Slow Cooker

prep time: 6 Mcook time: 1 hourtotal time: 1 H & 6 M

How to make an easy mulled wine recipe in the slow cooker. Use spices or a mulling spice mix.



How to cook Simple Mulled Wine Recipe in the Slow Cooker

  1. Cut the orange into slices. Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker.
  2. Cook on low for 1 to 3 hours. The longer it cooks, the more of the flavor of the spices will infuse with the wine.
  3. Remove the tea infuser with the spice blend or the spices. Turn the slow cooker down to low for serving.
  4. Serve with orange slices as a garnish if you want.


Use 2 tablespoons of mulling spices instead of the orange and spices if you want.


Fat (grams)

Sat. Fat (grams)

Carbs (grams)

Fiber (grams)

Net carbs

Sugar (grams)

Protein (grams)

Sodium (milligrams)

Cholesterol (grams)

Copyright © Koti Beth 2019. All rights reserved.

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Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (14)

Simple Mulled Wine Recipe Slow Cooker (2024)


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